/ |
= separator marker of variants,
equivalent to
"or" |
// |
= separator marker of examples |
(...) |
= the content of brackets may lack |
[] |
= vacuum valence
frame for zerovalent verbs |
I, II, III, IV,... |
= the number
of the valence frame |
1., 2., ... |
= the number
of the argument position within the valence
framework |
3 |
= the verb-lemma in the third singular and plural |
3sg |
= the verb-lemma in the third singular |
ac |
= accusative case |
dat |
= dative case |
fac. |
= optional constituent, which may be
relevant only in certain contexts |
GAdj |
= adjective or adjective phrase
NB If the case of the GAdj is
identical to the case of a noun phrase in the same argument structure, this means that GAdj
determines that noun phrase. |
GAdv |
= adverb or adverb phrase |
ger. |
= gerund mood |
GN |
= noun (noun,
numeral or pronoun) or noun
NB The case identity between
two GN in the same
argument structure denotes
the fact that both refer to the same entity. |
GP |
= preposition phrase
NB When no preposition head is expressed, then any preposition
that may indicate the specified semantic feature is valid. Further, GP [] stands for any type of preposition
phrase. |
GV |
= verb phrase or
subordinate clause
NB If GV does not indicate any semantic feature, its grammatical subject is assumed to
be subject to raising / control phenomena, being expressed as an argument of the
verb-lemma (usually by its direct object). |
îi |
= the verb-lemma is used
with non-referential
clitic pronoun |
imper. |
= imperative mood |
impf. |
= imperfect tense |
ind. |
= indicative mood |
inf. |
= infinitive mood |
își |
= the use
of the verb-lemma with the clitic reflexive pronoun in dative
NB If V [își] is in positional alternation with a noun phrase,
then the verb-lemma can also
be used as a reflexive
verb. |
nom |
= nominative case |
nu (mai) |
= verb-lemma is used with
the negation nu or
nu mai. |
o |
= verb-lemma is used with
the non-referential
clitic pronoun o. |
opt. |
= optional constituent in a series of optional constituents of which at least one must be expressed |
part. |
= participle mood |
se |
= the use
of the verb-lemma with the clitic reflexive pronoun in accusative
NB If V [se] is in positional alternation with a noun phrase,
then the verb-lemma can also
be used as a reflexive
verb. |
sup. |
= supine mood (often preceded by a specific preposition) |
V |
= 1. constituent of an argument structure expressed by a verb different from the verb-lemma. It can be in a non-finite form or in the conjunctive (marked by V [să]) or can represent a subordinate clause
(marked by V[că]). It obligatorily has the same subject as the verb-lemma;
2. using the verb-lemma with:
- a certain type of
clitic (e.g. își, îi, o, se or nu);
- some morphological features (e.g. 3 for
the third person in singular and plural);
- a certain mood (e.g.
ind. for indicative or imper. for imperative).
NB When V [...] refers to features of the verb-lemma, this mark can
be placed at the beginning of the valence frame
(next to its number), being valid for all the argument structures in a possible contextual alternation
or may be placed at the beginning of an argument structure in an alternation,
being valid only for that structure. |
+abilitate |
= +ability - the quality of being able to do something, |
+abstract |
= +abstract - abstract, conceptual or informational object |
+activitate |
= +activity - anything that means to do something
It includes the concepts of "action" and "behaviour". |
+aliment |
= +aliment - anything
that is edible |
+animat |
= +animate - any
animal (usually, a pet)
It includes the "human" concept. |
+artistic |
= +artistic - anything
that is related to art |
+autoritate |
= +authority - institution or person in charge of decision-making |
+bani |
= +money -anything that involves a sum of money |
+bun |
= +possession -
an entity of a material or spiritual nature that rightly
belongs to someone |
+cale |
= +path - a
place crossed by something moving
It includes the concepts of "line", "trajectory"
and "road" (in the usual sense). |
+cantitate |
= +quantity - anything that is achieved by
measuring the difference between a final
state and an initial one of a variable magnitude |
+cauză |
= +cause - anything that can trigger or maintain a certain state of affairs
It includes the "circumstance" concept.
It includes the semantic feature + stimulus. |
+competiție |
= +competition -
anything that implies a hierarchy or a
dispute between several entities of the same type |
+corp |
= +body - anything
that can be delimited in space, that is,
whose edges can be determined |
+criteriu |
= +criterion - a
norm on which an order or hierarchy is made |
+dată |
= +date - temporal reference
Includes the concept "deadline" |
+decizie |
= +decision
- a conclusion
or statement of an authority |
+direcție |
= +direction - a
line of space orientation |
+distanță |
= +distance - the length between
two points in space |
+document |
= +document - an official
act |
+drept |
= +right -
prerogative |
+eveniment |
= +event - anything
is actually happening
It may have temporal, spatial or modal determinations.
Unlike the semantic feature +activity, it contains the participants and the circumstances in an act of its own. |
+examen |
= +exam - test |
+fapt |
= +fact - anything that has happened or is likely to
happen in reality
In general, it admits the
diagnostic context "the fact
that ...".
It includes the semantic features +event, +situation,
In the context of GN [...] it can
be expressed by a deverbal noun with a genitive determinant (e.g. the
return of the Crusades). |
+fenomen |
= +phenomenon -
an uncontrollable, natural or social process that results in a state
It includes happenings of
fate like misfortune or luck. |
+fenomen atmosferic |
= +atmospheric phenomenon
- a meteorological process
and its outcome |
+forță |
= +force - anything that has the capacity
to act on other elements
It includes the semantic feature +tool. |
+funcție |
= +position - profession, role |
+idee |
= +idea - notion,
concept |
+ierarhie |
= +hierarchy - which implies an order of the elements
It is expressed by PP such as after / before X,
in Y-th place etc. |
+informație |
= +information -
anything that is being communicated
The information can be true or false, unlike the fact,
which is always true.
It includes the semantic features +fact, +situation, +status, +text, as entities
to which a communication can refer to. |
+instituție |
= +institution -
an entity composed of a group of people and the place where it is
It includes the semantic feature +activity. |
+instrument |
= +tool - anything that serves to accomplish
an action, having a physical or abstract achievement
It includes the concept
"intermediate". |
+întrebare |
= +question - anything that is the answer
to a question (not the question
itself as a text) |
+judiciar |
= +judicial - anything that is related to the
judiciary |
+lichid |
= +liquid - anything that is in the liquid state |
+loc |
= +place - a point
in the physical or
abstract space |
+lovitură |
= +hit - the fact of striking, physically or morally |
+luminos |
= +luminous - anything emitting or reflecting light |
+marfă |
= +goods - anything that implies a market price
It includes the concept
of "services". |
+materie |
= +material - anything
that has a physical state: solid, liquid
or gaseous
It includes bodies and substances. |
+medicină |
= +medicine - anything
that is related to the
medical field |
+mișcare |
= +motion - anything that is moving |
+mod |
= +manner - a way of being or acting
It includes logical modality.
It includes the semantic feature +configuration. |
+monedă |
= +currency - money as an object of exchange, specific to each country |
+măsurabil |
= +measurable - anything that implies a dimension that can be
measured |
+nedefinit |
= +undefined - a
noun phrase without direct reference (i.e.
an undefined or demonstrative pronoun),
which refers to a fact |
+negativ |
= +negative - anything
that is perceived as negative |
+nivel |
= +level - stage, grade, step |
+nume |
= +name - any symbol (word,
sign, phone number)
It includes the "honorary title". |
+obiect |
= +object -
mobile body of relatively small
size |
+obligație |
= +obligation - duty |
+opinie |
= +opinion - anything that one says or thinks,
without value of truth |
+ordinal |
= +ordinal - ordinal number |
+organ |
= +organ - a part of a living, biological body |
+organizație |
= +organization
- an organized group of individuals or legal entities |
+parte |
= +part - place or component of a whole
It includes semantic feature
+ organ. |
+persoană |
= +person
- natural or legal person |
+plural |
= +plural - anything
that implies a referential multitude
It is expressed by grammatical plural, coordination or group concept. |
+pozitiv |
= +positive - anything that is perceived as positive |
+poziție |
= +configuration
- the way something is arranged |
+privință |
= +regard - the aspect to which an action relates |
+pulbere |
= +powder -anything consisting of ground, pulverized, or otherwise finely dispersed solid particles |
+radiații |
= +radiations - anything that propagates in the form of waves |
+reciproc |
= +reciprocal - anything that implies reciprocity
It is expressed by constructions of the type of (on/with/from etc.) each other. |
+resursă |
= +resource - anything that can be capitalized
It includes the concepts of "time",
"energy", "health",
"life". |
+rezultat |
= +result - anything that implies a projection (materialized or not) in the future |
+scop |
= +goal - an objective that is desired to
be achieved |
+scor |
= +score - the result of a match |
+sentiment |
= +feeling - psycho-emotional manifestation |
+senzație |
= +sensation - a
perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific
body condition
It includes the concepts of "sickness"
and "feeling". |
+sistem |
= +system - anything that works or involves an internal process and organization
It also has an abstract sense, e.g. an empire.
It includes the "brain" concept. |
+situație |
= +situation - a
state of affairs |
+spațiu |
= +space - an
ample, bounded place, e.g. cavity,
room, territory, etc. |
+sport |
= +sport - anything
that is related to sports |
+stare |
= +state - anything
that reflects a property of something; hypostasis |
+stimul |
= +stimulus - anything that triggers a psychic manifestation |
+sunet |
= +sound - anything
that is being heard |
+sursă |
= +source - a
place or body of origin, from
where something goes, is taken,
is made or is generated |
+școală |
= +school - an educational institution |
+temă |
= +topic - a cognitive object |
+text |
= +text - anything
that is said or written, relevant by its form
and without truth value |
+timp |
= +time - anything that can be placed
or measured on the time axis |
+trăsătură |
= +feature - anything that characterizes something at a time or permanently |
+țintă |
= +goal - spatio-temporal end point |
+ținută |
= +outfit - A set of clothing,
often with accessories |
+uman |
= +human - human individual
Unlike the semantic feature +person, it involves sensory and motor manifestations. |
+valoare |
= +value -
material or spiritual entity of particular cultural
importance |
+vehicul |
= +vehicle - any transport means |
+viu |
= +alive - any alive entity |